is dedicated to presenting art through co-authorship and collaboration. In her ongoing artistic-research, she facilitates community interventions located at the intersection of nature and culture to help communities and institutions transition to a climate-just future. She utilizes fieldwork and qualitative data to develop paintings, texts, and participatory events which emerge from the research process and operate both as objects to generate discourse and as facilitation tools to build across difference – infrastructures for living as naturecultures

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Brooklyn, NY  
The layered intimate paintings emphasize the materiality of the living world and depict the complexity and density of life during the woodland restoration process in Prospect Park. The landscapes are compressed, leaving the eye entangled in grasses, brambles, and decomposing logs.

In my practice, I gravitate towards materiality and nature. How can we as citizens of a shared geography, like Brooklyn, form stronger relationships to the natural world. I am interested in movement and how that movement is continuously configuring and reconfiguring.  Instead of taking reference photos, I take reference films, I replay them, overlap images, I make certain layers transparent, and from that overlay, a new image emerges and that is the image I am interested in painting– an entangled and assembled environment or, to use Karen Barad’s sentiment: a diffraction.

© pekalstudios 2025